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Support Memo for Expanding NYC’s Red Light Camera Program: S.2812-A/A.5259-A

AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to increasing the number of intersections where traffic-control signal photo violation-monitoring systems may be installed and operated

The Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC) strongly supports this legislation S.2812-A/A.5259-A (Gounardes/Dinowitz), which renews and expands New York City’s red light camera program.

With pedestrian deaths on the rise nationwide, red-light cameras are a proven tool to help reduce instances of traffic violence on our streets. According to NYCDOT, intersections with red light cameras have experienced a 73% reduction in red light running. Despite this, state law only permits these cameras at one percent of city intersections. Created by the legislature in 1981, PCAC serves as the official voice for MTA riders and recognizes that rider safety does not stop where the MTA’s jurisdiction does. In the past four years alone, 101 people have lost their lives to red light running – none have been at locations with red light cameras. Virtually all subway, bus riders, and commuter rail riders are pedestrians at the beginning and/or end of their journey and pedestrian safety is rider safety. We call for expansion of this life-saving program to improve and safeguard the lives of all New Yorkers.

For these reasons, the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC) strongly supports this legislation, S.2812-A/A.5259-A (Gounardes/Dinowitz).

Lisa Daglian, Executive Director – 212-878-7077 – [email protected]
Jack Connors, Research & Communications – 212-878-7079 – [email protected]