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Riders to Governor Hochul: Don’t Derail Congestion Pricing!

Progress delayed is projects denied, and riders derailed.  

Pushing back the start date of Congestion Pricing means the IBX, Second Avenue Subway, new elevator and escalator projects and other ADA improvements, updated signals and tracks, and essential state-of-good-repair work are all at risk. It would mean worsening air quality — exacerbating health inequities — and further stalling traffic, meaning more emergency vehicles unable to get lifesaving services to those in need, and worsening bus speeds, already slowest in the nation.  

This is horrible news for transit riders: we’re looking at a Summer of Hell as a way of life. It isn’t just blowing a hole in the current Capital Plan, it’s blowing holes in future budgets and our essential transit network as well. Nothing gets cheaper the longer you wait. 

We are infuriated the delay might come for political reasons. We urge the Governor to show some backbone and remember her own words: “From time to time, leaders are called upon to envision a better future, be bold in the implementation and execution, and be undaunted by the opposition. That’s how you secure progress.”   Governor Hochul has stood shoulder to shoulder with advocates to espouse the benefits of congestion pricing for years. To turn her back on this crucial program at the eleventh hour would be to betray the millions of people who ride the system every day and are counting on the benefits congestion pricing will deliver.  

We strongly urge Governor Hochul to stay on track with starting Congestion Pricing on June 30th. New Yorkers who ride transit every day, who breathe New York’s polluted air, and drivers stuck in traffic deserve it for a healthier and more prosperous future.