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MTA Finance Committee Testimony-“Funding the 25-29 Capital Plan in the Face of the Congestion Pricing Pause”

Good afternoon, I’m Brian Fritsch, Associate Director for PCAC, the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA.

The challenges facing you as Finance Committee members are immense. Fare evasion, climate change, and helping to secure funding for the next Capital Plan while congestion pricing remains paused. It’s daunting.

PCAC believes that the Capital Plan laid out by MTA leadership wisely prioritizes the State of Good Repair projects that will keep the system safe and reliable for riders for years to come. But make no mistake, there is very little fat on the bone. If Governor Hochul fails to fully fund this plan the system will suffer and riders will flee, leaving the MTA in desperate straits.

We are skeptical she can deliver. The Governor’s lukewarm statement last week does not exactly engender confidence, nor does the fact that she continues to hold the current Capital Plan hostage by refusing to unpause congestion pricing.

We urge you to engage with State Legislators to ensure they understand how crucial this Capital Plan is to the economic vitality of New York State, knowing that it supports manufacturing and construction jobs in every corner. Their efforts will be essential to finding the funding necessary to raise the $33 to $35 billion we appear to be short. They will be hearing from us too.

To borrow an Olympic metaphor: funding this Capital Plan feels like running the Steeplechase. It will be long, full of hurdles, and has unexpected water lurking in places it probably shouldn’t be.

Yet finishing this race is more important than earning a medal. It’s about sustaining a system that millions of riders depend on daily and allows the New York City metro area to function. We can’t afford to fail. Governor Hochul must unpause congestion pricing and it is critical we collectively explore every possible option to fund the next Capital Plan without delay. Thank you.