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A Great City Deserves A Great Capital Plan: More Needs to Be Done-Capital Committee Testimony

Good afternoon, I’m Lisa Daglian, Executive Director of the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA, PCAC.

Congratulations on the good capital plan you released last week. We wish we could congratulate you on a great plan. The greatest city in the world deserves no less.

It is critically important to keep the system in a State of Good Repair — that’s job one to get riders where they need to go safely, reliably and on time. It isn’t sexy, but essential to keep our vital transit system — and riders — rolling.  $68.5 billions is a good investment. The elephant in the room is where that money is going to come from.

A good investment could become great with the addition of what we don’t see in the plan: new fare gates at all stations; more structural work and station rehabs across the system; making the LIRR 100% accessible and bringing elevators to more subway stations — come on Mets-Willets Point!; fulfilling the promise of increasing electric bus purchases; added resiliency and station work for Metro-North; and adding to the LIRR’s double decker fleet, as we wait for the opportunity of electrification.

JP Morgan, CBC, and the state Comptroller all estimate that it would take about $100 billion to get it done. That’s an extraordinary number, but we don’t have an ordinary system or your average rider.

It’s hard to aim high when there are so many questions about how to fill the $16.5 billion hole in the current plan, created by Governor Hochul when she paused congestion pricing. We just don’t have the same faith you do.

Today is a Gridlock Alert Day and the start of Climate Week. Yet here we are, with heinous traffic, adding to poor air quality, and a growing gap between capital needs and resources. Only Governor Hochul can fix this problem— we urge her to unpause the pause.

We are committed to working with you to help fill the funding hole in the new plan, even as we fight for congestion pricing and the essential benefits it will bring.

Thank you!