Meeting Minutes September 5, 2019
PCAC Minutes 9.5.19
PCAC Minutes 9.5.19
“The words ‘rider’ and ‘commuter’ don’t appear at all in the final MTA Transformation Plan presented by AlixPartners today. Shouldn’t…
Today, the PCAC and 16 other organizations sent a letter to the Governor, Mayor, and Senate and Assembly leaders calling…
LIRRCC Minutes 8.8.19
At July’s MTA Committee and Board meetings I testified about the MTA’s Transformation Plan as it relates to staff retention,…
NYCTRC Minutes 7.25.19
MNRCC Minutes 7.18.19
NYC Transit and MTA Bus Company are hosting the first ever Disability Awareness Day at the Michael J. Quill Depot.…
The PCAC and Councils have reviewed the MTA’s Transformation Plan Preliminary Report prepared by consulting firm AlixPartners. We have expressed…
The New York City Transit Riders Council’s (NYCTRC) Freedom Ticket proposal to lower city commuter rail fares spawned the popular…