Meeting Minutes February 16, 2017
MNRCC Minutes 2.16.17
MNRCC Minutes 2.16.17
PCAC Minutes 3.8.18
PCAC Minutes 12.7.17
PCAC Minutes 9.8.17
PCAC Minutes 6.8.17
PCAC Minutes 3.2.17
NYCTRC Minutes 6.28.18
Achieving system accessibility, will require dedicated funds for the Fast Forward Plan. One way of reliably directing funding to a specified purpose is through voter-approved State bonds. A State bond has the advantage of not increasing pressure on the MTA’s future finances. Voters need to have a well-developed understanding of what is at stake this fall and to support those candidates willing to support secure dedicated transit funding and State-backed transit bonds.
NYCTRC Minutes 4.26.18