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Baseless Congestion Pricing Lawsuits Confirmed as Baseless

The following statement can be attributed to Lisa Daglian, Executive Director, Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC):

“Today’s ruling by the Southern District of New York offered more validation that the countless hours of work, thousands of pages of analysis and hundreds of hours of public input yielded a congestion pricing plan that is solid to the core. On yet another air quality alert day, the dismissal of the lawsuits is vindication that procedures were followed scrupulously to reach the articulated outcomes: reducing congestion in and around the Manhattan CBD; improving air quality regionally and in the CBD; and creating a sustainable funding source for the capital program that will increase ridership and improve service for low income New Yorkers.  

As for any outstanding litigation, today’s dismissals make us more than optimistic that congestion pricing, and MTA riders, will prevail.

Governor Hochul, we beseech you: take heed, follow the law, and unpause the pause.”

Contact: Lisa Daglian: 917-612-2292, [email protected]