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Capital Committee Testimony-Where is Governor Hochul’s Sense of Urgency?

Good morning, I’m Jack Connors, Research & Communications Associate at the Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA.

This month, New Yorkers experienced near record breaking heat and riders felt the consequences of decades of disinvestment. We’re still suffering through “hot cars” on the 1 train, rolling stock whose time has come. Two short weeks ago riders lived through severe delays on the A, B, D, F, and M lines due to ancient, malfunctioning equipment whose replacement time is long past due. That it happened in the midst of a historic heatwave just added to our misery.

While riders roasted, Governor Hochul reiterated that we “need a pause to assess the situation” and cast doubt on her desire to enforce yet another nation-leading law: the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, saying “if we miss it by a couple of years, the goals are still worthy”.

Perhaps she would have more urgency if she were living through the consequences of transit disinvestment and climate change instead of reading about them from her air conditioned SUV. Phantom kitchen workers at the Sheraton may be giving Governor Hochul a standing ovation, but MTA riders marooned on sweltering platforms certainly aren’t.

Last month we heard about the devastating effects this pause will have on New York, $16.5 billion gutted from the capital plan, 100,000 jobs at stake in every New York State congressional district, and billions in federal grants at risk. This month we’re sure that news will keep getting worse.

Now the MTA is in the impossible position of formulating the next capital plan, due in September, while deciding how to build a five-year program without knowing if, when, or how the hole in the current capital plan will be paid for.

Governor Hochul, millions of MTA riders beseech you, stop playing politics with our lives and livelihoods. Follow the law, unpause the pause, fund the transit we depend on, and get the MTA back on track.