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Fair Fares Expansion is a Win for Hundreds of Thousands of New Yorkers

The following statement can be attributed to Lisa Daglian, Executive Director, Permanent Citizens Advisory Committee to the MTA (PCAC):

“Thanks to the leadership of Speaker Adams and the City Council, hundreds of thousands more New Yorkers will be eligible for Fair Fares – a huge step forward in opening the door to more equitable access to opportunity across the five boroughs that transit brings.

“As our city’s affordability crisis becomes increasingly apparent, Fair Fares is one of the simplest and most cost-effective tools we have to support working New Yorkers, including those making minimum wage. This city is lucky to have a Council and Speaker who understand this simple fact. We look forward to continuing to work with Speaker Adams, the City Council, and our coalition partners to expand Fair Fares to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level and to the commuter railroads within New York City.”

Contact: Lisa Daglian: 917-612-2292, [email protected]