At the October 2010 meeting of the NYCTRC, John Gaito explained how the cleaning and maintenance of the 468 subway stations are handled. He was accompanied by Branko Kleva, an engineer from Capital Program Management. Mr. Gaito noted that the PES (Passenger Environment Survey) only relates to such things as cleanliness, lighting and security; thus a station can receive a good rating on the PES and still have major repair needs, i.e., Norwood/205th St. He also noted that the new Asset Condition Plan based on structural component assessments (see archived NYCTRC story October 20, 2009) is part of Capital Construction and is not maintenance.
A pilot of 19 larger, heavily used stations were selected in 2010 for “catch up” on the backlog of defects. Defects are rated, ranging from an “A” defect which relates to safety, to a ”C” defect which gets a response in 60 days.
Most stations have three cleanings in a 24-hour period. A station may have a full cleaner per tour but a small station may only see a cleaner for two hours. A power wash is done every six weeks; however, the pilot stations are done every other week. The tile that exists on the far side of the track in some stations is washed once every two months. Overhead cleaning is performed every six months; for the pilot stations it is every two months.
Mr. Gaito concluded his remarks by reminding the Council that resources are tight. Supplies and manpower have been contrained due to the MTA’s financial issues. He said that he has 1506 cleaners budgeted for all positions but the real need is about 2800.