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PCAC Statement: Comptroller Report Confirms Riders’ Worst-Case Scenario

“The Comptroller’s report affirms, in graphic detail, the grim facts: there is no substitute for congestion pricing. Governor Hochul’s decision to block $15 billion in funding for the MTA’s capital program, to continue overwhelming traffic and declining air quality, hurts millions of people now, and will be devastating for transit riders in the future. Our own report last month mirrors what the Comptroller stated today: that alternative sources for funding the current capital plan all fail to pass muster.  

New Yorkers deserve a safe and reliable system with accessible stations, new buses, subways, and train cars, and expansion projects like the Interborough Express, but we can’t get there if the Governor watches from the sidelines. Doing so risks dooming the MTA to a spiral of disrepair and neglect that we haven’t seen in 50 years. The Governor must act now and unpause the pause.”