This morning our PCAC Staff testified at the MTA Board and Committee meetings on the AlixPartners’ MTA Transformation Plan.
Lisa Daglian, Executive Director, spoke about the lack of public input and transparency in this MTA Transformation Plan. Read her full testimony here.
Sheila Binesh, Transportation Planner, challenged the Plan’s validity and applicability to the MTA since it was not based on “verified facts,” based on its disclaimer. Read her full testimony here.
Bradley Brashears, Planning Manager, called for transparent internal performance metrics to better understand the hiring freeze, the effects of long-time staff retiring, and the apparent need to measure the value of AlixPartner’s recommended changes. Read his full testimony here.
Ellyn Shannon, Associate Director, spoke about the fact the July Financial Plan was not provided to the board or the public with enough time prior to this month’s MTA Committee and Board Meetings. The July Financial Plan informs all of us on where the MTA stands financially.
To see the list of our recent statements and testimonies, you can find them here.